"Manhunt in the Jungle" is a 1958 American adventure film directed by Tom McGowan and written by Sam Mervin and Owen Crump. The film stars Robin Hughes, Luis Álvarez, James Wilson, Jorge Montoro, Natalia Mazuelos, and John B. Symmes. Released by Warner Bros. on April 11, 1958, this classic piece of cinematic history is now available for collectors and film enthusiasts.
This listing features an excellent condition print mounted on 2 x 1600' reels, printed on Eastman black-and-white film stock. The print includes leaders, lab-heads, and countdowns, ensuring an authentic and complete viewing experience.
Please refer to the photos above for image representation. Note that some ambient light may be captured by the camera when the pictures were taken.
Rest assured, there are no VS odors or warping issues with this print. AD test results confirm that the print is stable.
All films are in English unless otherwise noted. Don't miss the opportunity to own this piece of film history!
"Manhunt in the Jungle" -Complete Feature
Film type: 16mm Polyester
Sound: Optical
Delivery: 2x 1600ft reels
Runtime: Approx 1:30
Condition: Excellent to Good. Most parts of the film are very clean with little to no emulsion scratches. Some parts of the film have a bit dust that can be cleaned, mostly towards the end of the reel as you might expect due to handling. Polyester print, so vinegar syndrome is not a concern. Sharpness excellent. Some splices, professionally done (I heard the projecter make a splice noise, but the picture did not shake of even give any sign of a splice). Sounds is clear. Suitable for exhibition.